Developers, to help you advance your AI and machine learning (ML) skills with hands-on and engaging learning, the AWS Machine Learning Scholarship Program from Udacity is now open for enrollment.

AWS and Udacity are collaborating to educate developers of all skill levels to expand their AWS ML expertise. In this scholarship program, all eligible students that complete the free AWS Machine Learning Foundations course earn a course completion certificate from Udacity and can take a high-bar knowledge test. Based on the scores from this test, the top 325 developers receive full scholarships to the Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree program—a unique online educational offering designed to bridge the gap between skills and career goals.

How the program works

The scholarship program begins May 19, 2020, and runs through July 31, 2020. You can join the program at any point during this period and immediately enroll in Udacity’s AWS Machine Learning Foundations course for free. You can get started with ML basics, techniques, and skills—including programming practices—and learn more about AWS ML.

The AWS Machine Learning Foundations course is intended to help developers of all skill levels get started with ML. You can build your knowledge with software engineering practices like object oriented programming (OOP), writing clean code, testing code, scikit-learn, putting code on PyPI, and more. In addition to building basic software engineering skills, you also build an intermediate knowledge of ML skills, such as supervised and unsupervised learning.

Furthermore, you learn about Amazon SageMaker—a fully managed service that makes it easy to quickly build, train, and deploy ML models into production—and flagship AWS educational AI devices like AWS DeepRacer (reinforcement learning), AWS DeepLens (computer vision and deep learning), and AWS DeepComposer (generative AI).

After you complete the foundations course, all eligible students can request for a course completion certificate and take a high-bar knowledge test.


The top scorers qualify for one of 325 full scholarships to the Udacity Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree program, sponsored by Udacity. In the Nanodegree program, you learn advanced ML techniques and algorithms and how to package and deploy your models to a production environment. You also gain practical experience using Amazon SageMaker to deploy trained models to a web application, evaluate the performance of your models, and more.


Next steps

What will you build? Advance your ML learning and enroll now! The scholarship program starts on May 19, 2020.

About the Author

Tara Shankar Jana is a Senior Product Marketing Manager for AWS Machine Learning. Currently he is working on building unique and scalable educational offerings for the aspiring ML developer communities- to help them expand their skills on ML. Outside of work he loves reading books, travelling and spending time with his family.