Preparing to become a Certified Jenkins Engineer? Here we bring the comprehensive guide to give your Certified Jenkins Engineer exam preparation a new edge.

If you are aspiring to build a career in DevOps, then you must know the importance of testing and automation. Jenkins is one of the notable automation tools that have revolutionized software development in recent times. The opportunities for a promising job in software development become accessible by obtaining Jenkins certification.

This is one of the reasons for the demand for information on certified Jenkins engineer exam preparation. Candidates should know all the details about the exam alongside reliable pointers to prepare for the exam. In addition, candidates should have information about registering for the exam and the sources to avail efficient Jenkins training.

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The following discussion dives into important details regarding the Jenkins engineer exam, such as its benefits and exam details. In addition, the discussion would also reflect on a comprehensive certified Jenkins engineer preparation guide. Candidates can use this guide to ensure that they prepare for all objectives of the exam thoroughly. 

Why Should I Go for the Jenkins Certification?

First of all, many individuals have doubts regarding ‘is Jenkins certification worth it.’ For answering these doubts, we have to understand Jenkins and the reasons for its popularity. Jenkins is one of the top open-source automation servers. It has the capacity to provide multiple plugins that can support the development, deployment and automation needs of any project.

  • The best part about Jenkins is not only the easy installation but also the fact that you can use it as a build and integration services as well as other automation tasks. With these features and functionalities, Jenkins is easily one of the popular continuous integration/ continuous delivery tools in the world now.
  • By earning a Jenkins engineer certification, you can showcase your knowledge, experience, and skills as a Jenkins professional. Still, if you are thinking about, ‘is Jenkins certification worth it,’ then you should try starting Jenkins training for the certification exam now to uncover its larger functionalities beyond mere build jobs. 
  • Another important thing that you should note before starting certified Jenkins engineer exam preparation is the exam’s actual value. Reflecting on the factors that boost the value of the Jenkins Engineer certification exam can help you find the importance of the certification. 

Also, there are some points related to the Jenkins Engineer exam that makes it worth!

  • First of all, the exam is a professional level certification, and it does not measure only the theoretical knowledge of candidates. Candidates have to prove their expertise in hands-on practical tasks, thereby showcasing the potential of candidates to employers. 
  • The next important reason to go for certified Jenkins Engineer exam registration is the exam’s quality. The design of the exam in accordance with industry best practices for exam development and review process is commendable.
  • In addition, the exam’s design also focuses on the weighting of questions, removal of ambiguous words, and implementing alpha and beta tests procedures to check the viability of questions. Furthermore, the formal maintenance process for the exam helps in the identification of any bug and changing the questions according to developments in Jenkins over time. 

Finally, the exam preserves integrity by providing fully secured and proctored test environments in scheduled test centers worldwide. 

The most important reason to drive your interest in the CJE exam is the estimate of Certified Jenkins Engineer salary. According to Glassdoor, the average annual estimate for Certified Jenkins Engineer salary ranges from $72,000 to $126,000. Definitely, a reason to establish the worth of Certified Jenkins Engineer certification, isn’t it?

Jenkins is one of the best DevOps tools. Check what are the other names in the DevOps tools list.

Jenkins Engineer Exam Information

The next important concern for certified Jenkins Engineer exam preparation refers to basic information about the exam. 

  • The total duration of the exam is around 90 minutes, with almost 60 questions. 
  • The format of the question would include multiple-choice questions aimed at testing the skills of candidates as a Jenkins Engineer. 
  • All the questions in the exam are based on the version 1.625.2 of the Jenkins core. If not specified, all questions are based on a different standard installation of Jenkins without additional plugins. 
  • Furthermore, candidates should note that they would not find questions in terms of sections but randomly. 

When you decide to take the Certified Jenkins Engineer (CJE) exam, you should know about the process for certified Jenkins Engineer exam registration. 

  • First of all, you have to download the study guide from the official website of CloudBees. 
  • All you have to is read the FAQs in the study guide and click on the “Register Now” button on the official website of CloudBees. 
  • From there, you will be redirected to the Kryterion CloudBees registration page. 
  • Just follow the instructions and complete the registration process efficiently. 

Topics Covered in the Jenkins Engineer Exam

The most critical tool to ensure that you have the best certified Jenkins Engineer exam preparation is the exam guide. The exam guide is one of the mandatory inclusions in any certified Jenkins Engineer preparation guide. The CJE exam consists of four different sections or domains as follows.

  • Key CI/CD and Jenkins concepts
  • Jenkins Usage
  • Development of Continuous Delivery (CD) Pipelines
  • Best Practices for CD-as-code

Most important of all, the certified Jenkins engineer study guide can help candidates find the weighting for each domain. The arrangement of weighting for the above-mentioned domains is 27%, 34%, 23%, and 16%, respectively. So, what are the topics that you have to cover in your certified Jenkins Engineer exam preparation?

Let us take a look at the topics covered in these domains of the CJE exam. 

  • Candidates can find questions on details of freestyle jobs, even if pipelines account for a major portion of the exam.
  • The theoretical aspects of CI/CD, such as identification of the difference between Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, types of tests, source code management concepts and differences between Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment account for 27% of questions in the exam. 
  • Candidates should also study the concepts of installation and configuration for their preparations. The topics, in this case, would include the installation process, basic items in the “Configure Jenkins” menu, and the installation wizard. 
  • Topics related to builds and jobs would also be crucial requirements in the preparation of candidates for the CJE exam. The topics covered in this domain include processes for configuration of pipelines, parameterized jobs, build promotions, elements of a Jenkinsfile, and triggering regular as well as parameterized jobs. 
  • Another crucial topic for the Certified Jenkins Engineer exam preparation is API command. Candidates have to study the methods for manipulation of jobs by utilizing the Jenkins REST API. 
  • The most critical addition to the certified Jenkins Engineer study guide is source code management and multi-branch pipelines. The related topics include Git and GitHub concepts such as branch, commit, and checkout, and pull request. In addition, candidates should learn about the integration of Jenkins with SCM and the ways to work with multi-branch pipeline orphaned strategy and multi-branch pipelines. 
  • The exam will also reflect on topics related to testing, such as acceptance tests, unit tests, integration tests, and others. In addition, the exam will also evaluate the capabilities for testing publishing and build stability.
  • Topics related to notifications such as methods for sending basic and custom notifications as well as notification and email-ext Jenkins plugins are also important for candidates of the CJE exam. 
  • The CJE exam will also evaluate the skills of candidates in topics related to artifacts and fingerprints. The topics related to this context include the aim of fingerprint and the process for archiving artifacts and determining their location. 
  • Distributed builds are one of the notable topics for certified Jenkins Engineer exam preparation. The notable topics in this domain include the fungible or replaceable agent, assignment of the stage to a node, and master/agent communication protocols. 
  • Security will be one of the major concerns in almost all questions of the CJE exam. The topics covered here include security realms, authorization options, and use cases such as permission inheritance, adding users, and adding users with non-standard permissions.
  • The CJE exam will also evaluate the knowledge of candidates about the organization of jobs. 
  • Finally, candidates will also have to learn topics regarding triggering and promoting jobs for their certified Jenkins Engineer exam preparation. The topics include building promotions, manual promotion of a job, and triggering jobs with parameters through API and user interface and criteria for promotion of a job.

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Comprehensive Guide for Certified Jenkins Engineer Exam Preparation

Now, we shall arrive at the main theme of our discussion i.e., the preparation guide for the Certified Jenkins Engineer exam. Candidates should follow a reliable approach to prepare for the CJE exam for qualifying in the first attempt. The following comprehensive guide for Certified Jenkins Engineer exam preparation incorporates the inputs of certified professionals and subject matter experts. Let us find out the steps that you should take for the ideal preparation for the CJE exam. 

  • Start with the Official Website

The first step in your preparations for the Certified Jenkins Engineer exam is to visit the official website of CloudBees. The official website is a great source to download the certified Jenkins Engineer study guide. The study guide is a very brief yet detailed and relevant description of all requirements for the CJE exam.

You can find important details about the exam alongside finding reliable guidance for registration and scheduling for the exam. The study guide also offers detailed insights into topics covered in the CJE exam, thereby helping you plan preparations accordingly. 

  • Choose a Trustworthy Online Training Course Provider

The most critical and mandatory requirement for certified Jenkins Engineer exam preparation is a reliable online training course. You should look for trustworthy online certification training portals such as Whizlabs for competent training courses for the CJE exam.

Online training courses not only allow you to prepare conveniently for the exam but also gain relevant expertise. Candidates should be very careful in their selection of an online course to prepare for the CJE exam. Rather than focusing on the cost of the training course, you should check for the coverage of topics in the course and facility of expert support. 

  • Go for Official Jenkins Documentation

The next most crucial resource that you should get for certified Jenkins Engineer exam preparation refers to Jenkins’s documentation. The Jenkins documentation website can help you access different tutorials with the facility for implementing your lessons in practice. Reading about the Pipeline DSL could be much better with the facility for writing it from scratch.

The tutorials come with definitive instructions that make it easier for candidates to learn all Jenkins-related concepts effectively. Most important of all, experts recommend that you should avoid copying and pasting Declarative Pipeline code. On the contrary, try to type the code by hand. As a result, you can learn as well as understand the language details more effectively. 

  • Practice Always Leads to Perfection

The final yet most important pointer to prepare for the Certified Jenkins Engineer exam refers to practice tests. If you don’t have access to practice tests, then try sample questions, and exam dumps to familiarize yourself with the exam’s format.

Acquaintance with the exam’s format helps you appear for the exam with confidence. Furthermore, practicing with sample questions or practice tests helps you gain an idea of your strengths and weaknesses. Surely an interesting proposition to hone your skills before the real exam, isn’t it?

Preparing for the Jenkins interview? Go through these top Jenkins Interview Questions and get ready to ace the interview.

Ready to Take the Exam?

Based on the information presented above, you can start your certified Jenkins Engineer exam preparation now. However, there are many other concerns that you should take into account to ensure the best possible results out of your preparations. For example, candidates should take care of their health and diet during the preparations.

In addition, candidates should also have a study partner, and the best place to find one is learning communities and study groups. Find someone who is also aspiring for the CJE exam, and with a study partner, your preparation will be on track. Most important of all, it is essential to remember that it is just an exam.

The right mix of dedication, efforts, and smart work can help you qualify the certified Jenkins Engineer exam in the first attempt. Enroll now in the Certified Jenkins Engineer training and start your preparation for the exam.                                                         

The post Preparation Guide for the Certified Jenkins Engineer Exam appeared first on Whizlabs Blog.